Thursday, September 26, 2013

October Behavior Calendar (Clip Chart)

As October approaches, I am busy getting everything ready for a new month! Here is my October behavior calendar, to use with a clip chart. In an older post, I shared the clip chart I use if you'd like to refer to that. :) Happy October (almost!) Link below...


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

October Homework Calendar- Reading Street Aligned

In my class, we have a monthly homework calendar. It started from Kelly's Kindergarten, I liked her layout. So, thanks Kelly, where ever you are! But, I revised all the homework assignments and aligned it with our new reading series, Reading Street. My parents love it, its simple and daily practice that the kids seem to enjoy. Sharing for all my Kindergarten teacher friends :) Link below!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Parent Teacher Conference Form

It is almost conference time! I made a cute little conference form to keep it organized and on track! :) Some might think I am crazy for giving myself things to write when I don't have to, but it helps when you have back to back conferences and have to switch from thinking of one student to another within 5 minutes. Plus, a lot of parents like to leave with some sort of form and documentation of the meeting, whether they say it or not. :) The border is from "graphics from the pond", TpT. Enjoy!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Reading Street- Alphabet Page

In our grade level, we have daily binders we call "dolphin books". In them, we include lots of resources. One being an alphabet page for kid use to practice letter sound connections. Since we have a new reading series this year, I made an alphabet page to include in a homework packet or a dolphin book equivalent with matching pictures to the series. Hope it is useful to you! :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reading Street: Weekly Lesson Layout

It is official, my brain hurts! This year, my district adopted a new reading series, Reading Street. We were overwhelmed with tons of resources and materials in the last couple weeks and I am just now beginning to undersand what it all is and how to use it, phew! I spent most of today looking through the teacher's manual and reading word for word each page for the first full week. I decided to make a layout page to try to put it all on one page so that I can gather materials and guide my daily lessons appropriately. Here is the template I created to help organize my thinking...

So after creating this template, I plugged in all the info from out Teacher's Editions so that it is hopefully easier to teach! Here is what it looked like all filled in, I am proud! I have a week worth of plans done! Yay! Posting to share the template, anything to help someone else with this craziness! :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Classroom Job Cards

I have so many classroom jobs! I try to spread out the responsibility to my students to promote character! Here are the cards I made to hang on my job bulletin board. For some reason, some of them doubled? Pictures are from Microsoft clip art... thought I'd mention that :) Anyway, link below!

Gingerbread Glyph

On our second day of kindergarten staggered enrollment, I always do this gingerbread glyph with my group. It is a fun way to assess their listening skills, cutting ability, and gluing techniques. Their fine motor is tested as they add on the things from the glyph. I give them a large gingerbread man on brown paper, have them cut it out, then listen for directions. It is always a fun craft! Here are the glyph directions... link below!

Smart Time/Core Extension

At my school, we have a time in our day, about 30 minutes, called "core extension". It is a time of day when we do reteaching, interventions, and challenge our advanced students. Some of the teachers at my school changed the name from core extension to "smart time". I made an acronym for "smart" to help me vary my lessons and to help me from always using one type of activity. Here's what I made :) I printed it and backed it on construction paper... laminated. It stayed at my reading table all year. Link below!

Important Papers Folder Labels

In my classroom, we have a daily binder, the dolphin book. Inside this binder is a folder where daily papers are put to make sure they get home unwrinkled! Sometimes things go home for good, sometimes they need to be signed and returned. I made these labels to put inside the folder. One on the left side (LEFT at Home) and one on the right (Bring RIGHT back). The pictures help too... in the beginning of the year I always tell the students to put that page on the "school side" or "home side". Eventually, they realize it is left and right :) Add label paper to your printer, and voila! :) Done for you!

Emergency Information

At the beginning of each year, there are a gazillion forms that go home! This might be one of the most important ones I send, an emergency information form. I have parents fill out this form, return it to school, and compile the forms into our red emergency folder. That way, if there ever was an emergency, all info can be ready to move with you!

Clip Chart Behavior

This year, I am trying a new behavior system! I have used my apples with worms for six years, time for a change! I found online the clip charts and love it! I made a calendar to go in the students' daily folders so they could record their behavior. It matches the clip chart I found, but you could change the colors to match your chart once you've seen the idea. Link is below!
Or, if you want to use the one I found, here it is! I wish I could remember where I found it online so I could give that person credit :( But... know it wasn't made by me but I still love it!

Parent/Teacher Communication

In my class, we have "dolphin books. It is a daily binder that goes home with important information, has pages for practice, and is a communication tool between parents and teachers. I have this form in my dolphin book so that parents can jot down a question or comment and I would be able to answer and send it home that day. In the beginning of the year, it is used a lot! Towards the end, not so much... but it is always there when they need it! Link is below!

Reading Street Sight Words

This year, our county has a new reading series, Reading Street. In our daily binders, I always include the sight words for practice. Therefore, here is a list I made for parents to refer to at home for practice :) Link is below!

You are o-FISH-ally a Kindergartner!

I saw this idea on Pinterest, I think, maybe TpT... but I made my own. My classroom has a fish/ocean theme so I thought it was perfect! I plan to attach this cute tag on a baggie of goldfish crackers. Students would find their goodie bag in their cubby at the "Meet the Teacher" event :) Link is below!

Star of the Week!

In years past, six to be exact, I have done "Kindergartner of the Week. Not only is it hard to say, especially if you are five years old, but I didn't really do much with it. They brought their poster of pictures, had a special chair... not much. This year, I am doing a whole new thing! And easier to say! Star of the Week! Here is my layout for the week when recognizing a student :) The link is below!


All About Me Bags

I am trying something new this year. I have heard of "All About Me" bags before, so I think I want to do this for "Meet the Teacher". I plan to put the bags at their seat with the information note attached to the bag. The idea is for the student to fill their bag and bring it to school so we can get to know everyone in our class in a cute way! Here is the letter I made, the link is below :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hello Fellow Teachers!

Yay! First post! I made a blog when I was pregnant with my son and am glad I have the chance to go back and read what I wrote and what I was thinking through the whole thing! I surf the internet a lot looking for ideas and always find most of my treasures from other people's blogs so I decided I would make my own. Maybe one day someone will find a treasure on my blog! Enjoy!